The Data Driven Policy Cluster will be presenting a parallel session ‘Data usage improving public policies and policymaking’ on 13 December (10:10 – 10:55 CET) at Data for Policy 2022 Brussels.
The session is part of the track ‘Data-driven Transformations in Policy and Governance’ and will focus specifically on the cross pilot sharing of data and the hypothesis of cross project data sharing. The discussion will be facilitated by Zach Smith (Trust-IT, Policy Cloud) and the panel will be made up of John Soldatos (Netcompany-Intrasoft, AI4PublicPolicy), Antonio Filograna (ENG, DECIDO), Cecilia Cabello (FECYT, IntelComp) and Panayiotis Michael (ICCS, Policy Cloud).
Data for Policy is a premier forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the impact and potentials of the digital revolution in the government sector. The conference series was established in 2015 with its inaugural edition ‘Policy-Making in the Big Data Era’. Its inception was a result of observing that rapidly emerging and developing digital technologies could be utilised to inform and direct public policy. The Data for Policy conference series has created a forum for interdisciplinary, cross-sector discussion for stakeholders from all walks of life.
The Data Driven Policy Cluster is a group of pan-European projects (AI4PublicPolicy, Decido, DUET, IntelComp, Policy Cloud) dedicated to using the cloud for data-driven policy, who have joined forces. Together they explore major challenges, trends and opportunities to improve public sector decision-making that will deliver healthier, happier places to live and work.
Find out more about Data for Policy or Find out more about the Data Driven Policy Cluster