PolicyCLOUD A prototype of a cloud serverless ecosystem for policy analytics

Journal Paper

PolicyCLOUD: A prototype of a cloud serverless ecosystem for policy analytics

We present PolicyCLOUD: a prototype for an extensible serverless cloud-based system that supports evidence-based elaboration and analysis of policies.

Tuesday, 29 November, 2022 - 11:36
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Politika Publication

Journal Paper

Politika: Implementing a Novel Meta-Simulation Methodology for Public Policy Design on the Web

Public policy design proceeds by first defining a policy problem and then proposing and evaluating a set of policy alternatives for it. It is a deeply political process with no clear answers and with an outcome that often reflects the opinion of the majority in framing and solving problems.

Wednesday, 19 October, 2022 - 16:25
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Conference Paper

Ontology-Driven Data Cleaning Towards Lossless Data Compression

With the available data in healthcare, healthcare organizations and practitioners require interoperable, efficient, and non-time-consuming data exchange.

Monday, 8 August, 2022 - 09:02
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Journal Paper

Polyglot Analytical Query Engine

Modern enterprises today handle a large amount of data coming from various data sources such as the company's website, different social networks, or the company's own information systems.

Wednesday, 3 August, 2022 - 15:04
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PolicyCLOUD: A prototype of a Cloud Serverless Ecosystem

Conference Paper

PolicyCLOUD: A prototype of a Cloud Serverless Ecosystem for Policy Analytics

We present PolicyCLOUD, a prototype for an extensible, serverless cloud-based system that supports evidence-based elaboration and analysis of policies.

Tuesday, 22 March, 2022 - 15:32
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Policy Cloud Kafka Based Scientific Publication

Conference Paper

Real-Time Kafka-Based Topic Modeling and Identification of Tweets

The tremendous growth, popularity, and usage of social media in modern societies has led to the production of an enormous real-time volume of social texts and posts, including Tweets that are being produced by users.

Tuesday, 22 March, 2022 - 11:37
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Policy Cloud Web Based Meta Simulation Environments

Conference Paper

Creating Web-based, Meta-Simulation Environments for Social Dynamics in an Interactive Framework for Public Policy Analysis and Design

Simulations of Social Dynamics play an important role in public policy analysis and design as they help to estimate the effects that alternative policies can have on society.

Thursday, 4 November, 2021 - 15:01
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Journal Paper

Hate versus politics: detection of hate against policy makers in Italian tweets

Accurate detection of hate speech against politicians, policy making and political ideas is crucial to maintain democracy and free speech. Unfortunately, the amount of labelled data necessary for training models to detect hate speech are limited and domain-dependent. In this paper, we address the issue of classification of hate speech against policy makers from Twitter in Italian, producing the first resource of this type in this language.

Thursday, 26 August, 2021 - 11:12
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Data Cleaning

Conference Paper

Adjustable Data Cleaning Towards Extracting Statistical Information

Each device, organization, or human, is affected by the effects of Big Data. Analysing these vast amounts of data can be considered of vital importance, surrounded by many challenges. To address a portion of these challenges, a Data Cleaning approach is being proposed, designed to filter the non-important data. The functionality of the Data Cleaning is evaluated on top of Global Terrorism Data, to furtherly create policies on how terrorism is affecting national healthcare.

Thursday, 5 August, 2021 - 14:41
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Conference Paper

An Optimized KDD Process for Collecting and Processing Ingested and Streaming Healthcare Data

Nowadays organizations are surrounded with enormous amounts of data, losing all the important information that resides in it. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) can aid organizations to transform this data into valuable information, by extracting complex patterns and relationships from it. To achieve that, various KDD techniques and tools have been proposed, resulting into impressive outcomes in various domains, especially in healthcare. Due to the huge amount of data available within the healthcare systems, data mining is extremely important for the healthcare sector.

Thursday, 5 August, 2021 - 14:26
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