With a population of 262,000, the London Borough of Camden is one of the twelve boroughs of inner London,. The southern tip of Camden forms a small section of Central London. There are about 31 districts in Camden.
Policy Cloud will address social services policy planning in Camden by predicting risk factors across four distinct domains:
The Council is committed to the publication of open data and adheres to the Council Open Data Charter which is underpinned by the notion that residents have the right to access data which does not compromise individual privacy.
The plan is to apply predictive analytics techniques to data sourced from the target domains in order to identify risk factors across the full range of services offered by the Council. Examples of information to be obtained using these techniques include:
Using the information harvested from data analytics, the Council will be able to design evidence-based policies and evaluate their economic feasibility, their political viability and their legitimacy, thereby improving the quality of the services offered to citizens, and achieving the efficiency and effectiveness which are key elements of good governance.
Marketing Package
A new report has been published by Policy Cloud outlining the final design of the Pilot scenarios.
A report on the Data Driven Policymaking Week has just been published by Policy Cloud covering the salient points of the week of events.
Data Driven Policymaking Week wants to unite policymakers, public administrators, decision makers, and social science researchers around the four pilot use cases at the heart of the Policy Cloud project.