The Impact Creation Board acts as a knowledge and guidance forum, providing advice to the consortium on how to exploit the knowledge created by Policy Cloud. The Board includes distinguished experts from academia and industry whose goals are to:
Founding Director at CollectiveUP and Co-founding Director at the European Digital Development Alliance (EDDA)
Liliana is a computer science engineer with a background in business, artificial intelligence, distributed and decentralized systems, and experience in several sectors: technology, social and education. Liliana is passionate about smart cities topics and citizens participation, the reason why she has deepened her research in governance. Liliana Carrillo is a researcher, entrepreneur and speaker in topics related to collective intelligence including governance, decentralized autonomous organizations and peer-to-peer systems.
Chair, Industry Commons Foundation
Michela Magas is advisor to the EU and G7 and the creator of the concept of the Industry Commons. She is the Innovation and Sustainability Manager for OntoCommons, which creates an ecosystem of understanding across industrial knowledge domains through standardisation of data documentation for the Industry Commons. She was named European Woman Innovator of the Year in 2017 and Innovation Luminary by the EU and Intel Labs Europe in 2016. She is the founder of MTF Labs, a global technology prototyping platform of over 7500 creative innovators and scientific researchers, and has 27 years of experience of innovation for industry.
Senior Consultant, Fujitsu Germany
Jürgen Neises (Dipl Math., Dr. rer. nat.) currently works as a Senior Consultant at Fujitsu located in Germany. He is coordinating Fujitsu’s activities in European R&I programs and also leading Fujitsu’s participation in several HORIZON 2020 projects (e.g. SecureIoT, FINSEC, INFINITECH). Jürgen has a proven track record in R&I and Co-Creation projects as well with research as with customers. Major fields of previous work are HPC, Legal e-Archiving, Biometrics, electronic Identity, and IoT Security. Among the current work activities Trustworthiness especially in Supply Chains plays an important role.
Director, Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal
An analyst and strategist in innovation and technology policies. During his career Francesco has supported, and in many cases, driven the design and delivery of consultancy and research projects in a wide variety of topics including the impact of Digital Transformation, Big data and Artificial Intelligence, e-government, Smart cities, ICT-enabled social innovation, future science, Citizen Science, research and innovation policies, and health. Francesco masters a wide array of methodologies including evaluation and impact assessment of policy initiatives and projects, policy development and benchmarking, technology roadmapping and scenario development, economic and econometric modelling, cost/benefit and sensitivity analysis, and stakeholders’ consultation and engagement.
Verena Kantere
Assistant Professor, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr Verena Kantere is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) since 2017. She has also held positions at the University of Ottawa, University of Geneva and the Cyprus University of Technology. Dr Kantere has been working towards the provision of data management and services in large-scale systems, including cloud computing systems distributed systems and hybrid systems, focusing on properties of Big Data, the performance of Big Data analytics and multi-objective optimization. She has developed methods, algorithms and fully fledged systems. She has received an engineering Diploma and a Ph.D. from NTUA and a M.Sc. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, where she also started her PhD studies. After the completion of her PhD studies she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. During her graduate studies she developed methods, algorithms and fully fledged systems for data exchange data coordination for structured and unstructured data, focusing on the solution of problems of data heterogeneity, query processing and rewriting, multi-dimensionality and management of continuous queries. Furthermore, she has shown interest and work in the field of the Semantic Web, concerning the problem of semantic similarity, annotation, clustering and integration. Dr Kantere has been a member of more than 100 program committees and served as member of editorial board or guest editor in many journals.
Policy Reseacher, TNO
Tjerk Timan (MA, Ph.D., Male) currently works as a policy researcher at TNO, The Netherlands and is addressing questions of data policy, governance, and societal impacts of big data and AI in projects such as the BDVA, the Once Only Principle, and the JRC’ AI-watch program. He is currently leading a program on Trustworthy AI, dealing with technical and organizational fairness & transparency in AI and understanding long-term social impacts. Previous positions included a postdoc on privacy and the limits of surveillance technology (via the project ‘Privacyspaces’ at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society, The Netherlands), and a research-and teaching position in the field of Technology Assessments concerning ICT development in the context of police and law enforcement (among others at the STePS department at the University of Twente, The Netherlands). He has taught numerous courses on privacy, data protection, science-and technology studies, user studies, and digital humanities. He has published about socio-technical impacts and values-by-design in among others Philosophy of Technology, Engineering Ethics, OUP, Environment and Planning A, Surveillance & Society, and has published books on Privacy in Public Spaces.
Distinguished Cloud Security Architect, Salesforce
Dr. Yuecel Karabulut is a Distinguished Cloud Security Architect at Salesforce. Prior to joining Salesforce, Yuecel held various security leadership roles at Oracle, VMware and SAP in Silicon Valley, Germany, and Switzerland. He has also been teaching as an Adjunct Professor at leading universities such as CMU and continues to give guest lectures on IT security.
Dr. Karabulut is a frequent speaker at conferences and institutions and has published 32+ peer reviewed technical publications on security. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the Technical University of Dortmund, and an MBA degree from Duke University.
Assistant Professor Dublin City University, Director of European Observatory for ICT Standards (EUOS)
Ray is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing in Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland. He delivers AI, IoT, and Data Governance modules on Undergraduate, Masters, and PhD programmes and is Chair of the Graduate Diploma in Web Technologies degree. Ray is Chair of:
- Big Data Value Association Standards Task Force,
- Network Development @ Gender Responsive Standards at the United Nations UNECE,
- External Advisory Board of Horizon 2020 Project StandICT.eu,
Ray is also Research Partner in H2020 StandICT2023.eu .Co-Lead on ELITE-S Fellowship Programme (Elite-Fellowships.eu), Digital Leader with World Economic Forum, Appointed to the IEEE European Public Policy Committee on ICT in 2019 (AI WG Lead), appointed in 2020 to the OECD Network of Experts (ONE AI) and is currently ISO Artificial Intelligence liaison to the European Commission.
Managing Director of uIMPACT
Iskra is a Business Administration graduate and has over 16 years of corporate experience, including top managerial positions, and overseeing a team of over 230 people. She has started companies and built-up teams. For the last 4 years she has focused on working for impact and moved to the non-government and sequentially to the public sector. She has interest, expertise and a strong track record in entrepreneurship and development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, economic development, investment attraction, program and project development, and digitalisation, including e-government, smart city and open data. She was part of the team which coordinated the development of the Digital Transformation Strategy of Sofia. She Organised the first Municipal Start-up Accelerator on behalf of Sofia Investment Agency. For the Sofia Municipality she coordinated their participation in the 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge project, the development of Sofia's open data platform, the city sandbox project, the development of a methodology for assessment of smart city and digital projects and Sofia's participation in the Digital Innovation Initiative.She worked with FMFIB, involved in stakeholder network development, building partnerships and raising awareness, as well as in various initiatives, supporting the business and the innovative ecosystem. At present, with uIMPACT she is working with SMEs and investors, supporting them with ESG monitoring and providing an entryway for SMEs into tracking the progress of sustainable transformation and the alignment of their impact with the SDGs.